Supplementary Exam or Assessment

Students can retake an exam or complete an assessment if it has the potential to help them pass their unit.

A Supplementary Exam or Assessment refers to when a student is given the opportunity to repeat their assessment or exam so that they may pass the unit.

Eligibility Criteria

If you have achieved a borderline mark (45 – 49%) in a unit, you may be offered a supplementary exam or assessment by your Unit Coordinator. The Unit Coordinator will agree to granting a supplementary exam or assessment if you feel the student has a reasonable probability of passing.

A Supplementary Assessment is not available where a student has revised and resubmitted a failed Assessment Item at least one following meaningful feedback, and the re-marked assessment item contributes to a final mark in the range of 45 – 49%.

Supplementary Assessment Process

Once you have been granted a supplementary exam or assessment, your Unit Coordinator will email you to explain what needs to be completed and when. 

The only grades available after a supplementary assessment are a Pass (P) or Fail (N). An Ungraded Pass is not available. You have the right to appeal supplementary results (link to Assessment Re-mark), providing you have valid grounds. 

If you are unable to attend a supplementary exam due to illness or exceptional circumstances, you can apply for a deferred assessment.

Head to ‘Deferred Assessments’ page at Murdoch’s website for more information. 

Book An Appointment

Murdoch Guild’s Student Assist officers are ready to listen to your academic concerns and provide direction. You can book an appointment with us via our booking calendar below.

For further enquiries, you can contact us at