‘Misconduct’ means any behaviour on the part of the student that:
- impairs the reasonable freedom of the University community to pursue and participate in academic, community or other university activities, or in the life of the University.
- contravenes the provisions of the Murdoch University Act 1973 , any statute, rule or by-law of the University, or a University code of conduct, policy, procedure or set of guidelines.
- contravenes any lawful direction by a member of the staff of the University.
- contravenes any written law of the Commonwealth of Australia, a State or Territory of Australia where the written law relates to an activity associated with the Student being a Student of the University.
Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to:
- Cheating in exam or assessment
- Plagiarism
- Downloading an assignment and submitting it as your own
- Hiring a ghost writer to complete your work
- Submitting the same work in more than one unit
- Unauthorised collusion – when more than one student contributes to a piece of work that is submitted as the work of an individual
- Stealing someone else’s work and submitting it as your own.
General misconduct includes but is not limited to:
- Harassment
- Intimidation
- Violence
- Use of drugs or alcohol
- Weapons
- Falsification
- Property damage
- Failure to comply with a directive
- Fraud
- Bullying
- Disorderly behaviour
- Uploading content to contract cheating websites
- Offering ghost writing services
There are three Academic Misconduct Interventions and three General Misconduct Interventions – Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. When a case is submitted by staff, the case is triaged by Student Integrity Services to determine what level of intervention it should be. Students are contacted with an allegation notification, which explains the full process.
Further details are available here.
Depending on the seriousness of the case, dishonesty in assessment can result in outcomes from a formal caution and directive to expulsion from the university.
When assessing a case, the university will consider various details including the extent of misconduct, the nature of the misconduct, the experience of the student and the intent behind the actions.
How can the Guild help?
We can appreciate how overwhelming and daunting it can be to receive an allegation of Academic and General Misconduct. The Student Assist Officers are available to support and guide you through these processes.
Student Assist can offer support by:
- Explaining and helping you understand policies, procedures and processes
- Providing a free and confidential consultation via face-to-face, telephone or video teleconference
- Reviewing and providing feedback on appeals, written responses, or any supporting documentation
- Attending meetings as a support person if requested
Book An Appointment
Murdoch Guild’s Student Assist officers are ready to listen to your academic concerns and provide direction. You can book an appointment with us via our booking calendar below.
For further enquiries, you can contact us at studentassist@murdochguild.com.au