Club Finances

This is a guide for club leaders on how to manage and oversee their club finances in a clean and professional manner.

Club Bank Account

All Guild-registered clubs must open up a club bank account. The reason why this is enforced is so that money made from club events and other activities is stored in an account accessible by multiple members and can be handed over to the following club president in the future. This ensures that money that belongs to the club is guaranteed to stay in the club even after handover.

Keeping Petty Cash

If your club keeps cash on hand we recommend that all cash transactions are kept in a petty cash journal accessible by multiple members of the club committee.

Make Regular Checks

All executive club members should have access to the club bank account and check the club finances regularly.

Reimbursing Committee Members

If your committee members are spending their own funds and are promised reimbursement from the club, we have some tips to keep in mind so that this process is as clean and clear as possible.

We encourage that these rules are set in place:

  • Members can not spend their own money without official written approval from one or more club executives.
  • Reimbursement claims should be signed off by ideally two club executives.